Strategic working groups  Patient information

    Patient information (stem cell therapies)

    Initiators: Ira Herrmann (Bonn) and Richard Schäfer (Frankfurt)

    Stem cell research holds great hope for people with serious or incurable diseases. The replacement of diseased tissue or individual cells with the help of stem cells appears as a solution for many diseases and injuries.

    But the reality of stem-cell therapies is complex. Except for a few areas of indication, stem cell research is still mainly in the early stages. Cell replacement therapies or the individual testing of drugs on the body’s own stem cells is still a thing of the future.

    • But is the hope of these patients completely unwarranted?
    • Are there any particularly promising research approaches?
    • Why do some hospitals abroad already offer stem cell therapies?

    These and similar questions are asked of stem cell researchers on a daily basis. We want to help answer these questions, provide information on current research objectives, and clarify scientific breakthroughs and the potential applications available.

    Further information:

     Warning: Unproven Stem Cell Therapies (GSCN Jahresmagazin 2017/18)

     Untested stem cell therapies (GSCN Jahresmagazin 2015/16)

     Short movie about stem cell tourism and unproven therapies (source: Stem Cell Network - Canada)

     ISSCR Patient Handbook on Stem Cell Therapies (source: International Society of Stem Cell Research)

     Website 'A closer look at stem cell treatments' (source: ISSCR)

     National Institute of Health (NIH), US: Stem Cell Information

     Stem cell fact sheets by EuroStemCell

    Shh! Top 10 stem cell clinic secrets kept from patients
    For-profit stem cell clinic secrets are bad news for patients.
    Stem cell clinics are in the business of making profits above all else and to make steady money they need a strong flow of patients as their paying customers for their non-FDA approved offerings. Read more
    Source: The Niche - Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Blog, 15.10.2017

    Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin Stem Cell Network North Rhine Westphalia Partner Organizations Federal Ministry of Education and Research VDI Technologiezentrum