Strategic working groups  Funding

    Funding programs and policies

    Initiators: Ulrich Martin (Hannover) and GSCN Acting President (ex officio)

    Innovative and internationally visible basic and applied stem cell research requires a robust and sustainable funding. The aim of the GSCN working group: “Funding-programs and –policies” is to approach and interact with the appropriate funding bodies to develop proposals for new and appropriate funding programs. Funding agencies both at national and international levels will be invited for discussions and statements on new initiatives to support stem cell research.

    In addition, potential partners (e.g. foundations) will be identified in the future to establish specific funding programs in the GSCN, e.g. PhD stipends and integration of young scientists.

    Initial tasks and questions will be:

    • Identification of and contact of potential funding bodies
    • To establish expert advice on the latest developments in research and to identify suitable areas for funding
    • Which measures can be implemented to address translational approaches?
    • What are potential organizations for funding programs at the level of young scientists?

    These and similar questions are of central importance for a targeted promotion of stem cell research in Germany in the future. Stem cell scientists organized within the GSCN will be more effective in the promotion of stem cell research as individuals.


    Interview with Albrecht Müller on the funding situation for stem cell research

    Funding opportunities

     Funding opportunities

    GSCN White Paper

    The working group " Funding Programs and Policies" has published a White Paper on the funding situation for stem cell research and regenerative medicine in Germany and in comparison to other leading countries (US, UK, Sweden and Japan). If you are interested to get printed documents please contact the GSCN central office (contact: GSCN Office).

    Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin Stem Cell Network North Rhine Westphalia Partner Organizations Federal Ministry of Education and Research VDI Technologiezentrum