News Archive  2017

    News Archive 2017

    Stem Cell Person of the Year 2017 Award Winner: Michele De Luca
    Source: The Niche, Knoepfler Blog, 28.12.2017

    Vietnam tries stem cell therapy on 21 kinds of disease
    Source:, 28.12.2017

    Launch of Helmholtz Center Munich's Stem Cell Center
    Stammzellzentrum nimmt Fahrt auf (DE)
    Source: HelmholtzZentrum München, 22.12.2017

    Stem cell expert Fiona Watt named as Medical Research Council head
    Source: Times Higher Education, 19.12.2017

    Publication: A molecular roadmap for the emergence of early-embryonic-like cells in culture
    Source: HelmholtzZentrum München, 18.12.2017

    Evotec und CRTD der TU Dresden forschen gemeinsam
    Source: Transkript, 14.12.2017

    Can young stem cells make older people stronger?
    Source: The Scientist, 11.12.2017

    Newcastle scientists develop new technique that revolutionizes cell culture
    Source: News Medical Life Sciences, 28.11.2017

    Japanese scientists find new drug combo that may be key to treating Alzheimer’s
    Source: JapanTimes, 24.11.2017

    China publishes standards on stem cell use
    Source: Xinhuanet, 22.11.2017

    Finnish Scientists Find Brain Cells Involved in Alzheimer’s Disease
    Source: LabioTech, 22.11.2017

    Brain cell advance brings fresh hope for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease therapies
    Source: Science Daily, 20.11.2017

    Confronting unproven stem cell treatments in Australia: The new regulation
    Source: BioNews, 20.11.2017

    Cell-based therapy for type 1 diabetes?
    Source: Eurekalert, 15.11.2017

    Nanopartikel transportieren Genschere (DE)
    Source: scinexx, 14.11.2017

    Menschliche Mini-Gehirne in Tiergehirne verpflanzt (DE)
    Source: heise, 10.11.2017

    Regeneration of the entire human epidermis using transgenic stem cells
    Gezüchtete Haut rettet Siebenjährigen
    Amazing scientific success story saving a patients life
    Sources: Nature, Nature Editorial, New York Times, The GuardianDie Zeit, FAZBerliner ZeitungRP Online, 08.11.2017

    Misregulated protein breakdown promotes leukemias and brain cancer
    Source: DKFZ, 08.11.2017

    A Recipe to Make a Human Blood-Brain Barrier
    Source: Neuroscience News, 08.11.2017

    Inner ear stem cells may someday restore hearing
    Source: Science Daily, 08.11.2017

    Stem cells pave the way for new treatment of diabetes
    Source: Medical Express, 06.11.2017

    Shh! Top 10 stem cell clinic secrets kept from patients
    For-profit stem cell clinic secrets are bad news for patients.
    Stem cell clinics are in the business of making profits above all else and to make steady money they need a strong flow of patients as their paying customers for their non-FDA approved offerings. Read more
    Source: The Niche - Knoepfler Lab Stem Cell Blog, 15.10.2017

    Growing human brain cells in the lab
    Source: Science daily, 12.10.2017

    New mutations in iPS cells are mainly concentrated in non-transcriptional regions
    Source: Science Daily, 12.10.2017

    Sweden won't prosecute Italian stem cell scientist
    Source: ABC News, 12.10.2017

    Tierorgan im Menschenkörper: Forschung ist einen Schritt weiter (DE)
    Source: SRF ch, 12.10.2017

    Forschungsgelder: US-Forschungsbudget könnte dramatisch schrumpfen (DE)
    Mehr Geld für Verteidigung bedeutet weniger für Wissenschaft und Forschung: US-Präsident Donald Trump will ein Fünftel der Gelder streichen.
    Source: Wiener Zeitung, 12.10.2017

    Stammzellen für das Herz: Neue Methoden zur Regeneration von Herzmuskelgewebe (DE)
    Source: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie, 12.10.2017

    New type of stem cell line produced offers expanded potential for research and treatments
    Source: Sanger Institute UK, 11.10.2017

    Government imposes restrictions on stem cell banking, therapy to curb "rampant" unethical practices
    Source: The Economic Times India, 11.10.2017

    Scientists call for int'l cooperation in human embryo editing
    Source:, 06.10.2017 (Publication: Cell Stem Cell, 05.10.2017)

    Korrektur im Erbgut soll seltene Erkrankung stoppen (DE)
    Source: Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 06.10.2017

    Charlatans threaten stem cell research with unproven cures, say experts
    Source: The Guardian, 05.10.2017

    A reversible haploid mouse embryonic stem cell biobank resource for functional genomics (GSCN)
    Source: Nature, 27.09.2017

    Ernst-Schering-Preis 2017 geht an Elly Tanaka (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Schering Stiftung, 24.09.2017, Tagesspiegel, 26.09.2017

    Folgenschwerer Verlust eines embryonalen Gens (DE)
    Source: Neue Züricher Zeitung, 22.09.2017

    Krebs ist der Preis, den Säugetiere zahlen (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Tagesspiegel, 21.09.2017

    CRISPR used for genome editing of Oct4 in human embryos
    Source: Nature News, Nature Editorial, Francis Crick Institute, The Niche - Knoepfler Blog, 20.09.2017

    Wiener Forscher erfassten alle "gezuckerten" menschlichen Proteine (DE)
    Source:, 20.09.2017

    Wiener Forscher entdecken die "Sprache der Stammzellen" (DE)
    Source:, 19.09.2017

    Forschung für die Medizin von morgen: Auszeichnung für Algorithmen zur Vorhersage der Zellentwicklung (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Helmholtz, 18.09.2017,  Analytik News, 20.09.2017

    Klinische Tests ohne Patienten (DE)
    Source:, 18.09.2017

    Stem cell scientist appealing dismissal loses another paper
    Source: RetractionWatch, 18.09.2017

    Leben und Wissen: Wie die Wissenschaft das Leben blinder Menschen erleichtert (DE)
    Source: Allgemeine Zeitung - Rhein Main Presse, 16.09.2017

    Warum heißt Ihre Firma eigentlich Eupheria, meine Herren? (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: LaborJournal, 14.09.2017

    Antagonistische Transkriptionsfaktoren kontrollieren die Entwicklung unterschiedlicher Gewebe (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, 13.09.2017

    India, Japan sign pact on stem cell research
    Source: The Hindu, 13.09.2017

    Magnetic cellular "Legos" for the regenerative medicine of the future
    Source: CNRS France, 12.09.2017

    Antibody-created stem cells may have superior properties
    Source: San Diego Union Tribune, 11.09.2017

    Podiumsdiskussion zur Stammzellforschung (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Jena TV, 11.09.2017

    Zweifel an bahnbrechender Genreparatur (DE)
    Source: Sueddeutsche, 06.09.2017, The Niche, 12.09.2017

    Krebstherapie: Zika-Viren töten Stammzellen von Hirntumoren (DE)
    Source: Wissenschaft aktuell, 06.09.2017

    Forscher testen an Affen erfolgreich neue Therapie gegen Parkinson (DE)
    Source: Sueddeutsche, 30.08.2017, Tagesspiegel, 30.08.2017,  DocCheck News, 14.09.2017

    ISSCR Responds to FDA Announcement
    Source: ISSCR, 28.08.2017

    FDA Cracks Down On Stem-Cell Clinics Selling Unapproved Treatments
    Source: npr, 28.08.2017

    The organoid architect
    Source: Science Magazine, 24.08.2017

    Wie das Silicon Valley das Sterben abschaffen will (DE)
    Source: FAZ, 24.08.2017

    Mouse model of human immune system inadequate for stem cell studies
    Source: Stanford Medicine, 22.08.2017

    Neue Technik: Zelldifferenzierung per Barcode verfolgen (DE)
    Source: Ärzteblatt, 22.08.2017

    Mini-Brains go modular
    Source: quantamagazine, 09.08.2017

    Diabetes: Gentherapie über transplantierte Haut (DE)
    Source:, 04.08.2017

    Stem Cell Research: Evotec AG and Fraunhofer IME-SP Sign Strategic Collaboration (GSCN)
    Source: Fraunhofer IME, 03.08.2017

    In first for U.S., Mitalipov reportedly CRISPR’d human embryos & it was great
    Source: The Niche - Knoepfler Blog, 26.07.2017

    1st study eyed using iPS for heart disease
    Source: FirstWordPharma, 21.07.2017

    Blutstammzellen erkennen Erreger und stellen ihre Produktion darauf ein (DE)
    Source: Der Standard, 20.07.2017

    Engineered Human Liver Tissue Grows in Mice
    Source: The Scientist, 19.07.2017

    First paralyzed human treated with stem cells has now regained his upper body movement
    Source: Heroviral, 18.07.2017

    Major German universities cancel Elsevier contracts
    Source: The Scientist, 17.07.2017

    Pankreaskarzinom: Biomarker für die Früherkennung gefunden (DE)
    Source: Aerzteblatt, 17.07.2017

    First ‘haploid’ human stem cells could advance medical research
    Source: Jerusalem Post, 17.07.2017

    Nature retracts paper by stem cell scientist appealing her dismissal
    Source: Retraction Watch, 12.07.2017

    CIRM-funded stem cell clinical trial for spinal cord injury expands patient recruitment
    Source: CIRM, 10.07.2017

    Stem cell therapies: medical experts call for strict international rules
    Source: The Guardian, 06.07.2017

    UriCell: Stammzellen aus Urin gewonnen (GSCN)(DE)
    Source: Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, 05.07.2017

    Neue Behandlungsmethode: Finanzpartner fürs Göttinger Herzpflaster (DE)
    Source: Hessische/Niedersächsische Allgemeine, 05.07.2017

    Stammzellimporte in Deutschland steigen an - 7. Erfahrungsbericht zum Stammzellgesetz
    Source: Die Tagespost, 03.07.2017, Deutscher Bundestag, 15.06.2017

    Artificial bile ducts grown in lab and transplanted into mice could help treat liver disease in children
    Source: University of Cambridge, 03.07.2017

    "Berlin steckt in den Startlöchern" - Warum der Spitzenbiologe Alexander Meissner von Boston nach Berlin wechselt (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Der Tagesspiegel, 03.07.2017


    Präsidium beschließt Maßnahmen gegen Leibniz-Direktor - Lenhard Rudolph (GSCN) (DE)
    Leibniz Gemeinschaft fordert Führungswechsel an Jenaer Institut (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Leibniz Gemeinschaft, 15.06.2017,  MDR Thüringen, 12.07.2017

    Patients with Complete Paralysis Show Additional Recovery of Arm, Hand and Finger Function at 9-months After Treatment with Asterias' AST-OPC1
    Source: Asterias, 13.06.2017

    Brain Cell Transplants Are Being Tested Once Again For Parkinson's
    Source: Natl Public Radio, 13.06.2017

    Stammzellen bleiben unentbehrlich für Forschung & Medizin (DE)
    Source: EL News, 12.06.2017

    Chicago medical school launches stem cell biology center
    Source: The Washington Times, 10.06.2017

    „Es wird zu wenig nachgedacht" - Interview mit Christiane Nüsslein-Vollhard (DE)
    Source: Science ORF, 09.06.2017

    World first: Stem cell treatment for lethal STAT1 gene mutation shows 'disappointing,' but promising results
    Source: Science Daily, 08.06.2017

    Human Heart Tissue Grown from Stem Cells Improves Drug Testing
    Source: IBN A*Star Singapore, 08.06.2017

    Trump retains Collins as NIH director
    Source: Science Magazine, 06.06.2017

    Stammzellforschung: Neue Zelltherapien aus dem Berliner Wedding (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Der Tagesspiegel, 06.06.2017

    Stem cells may be the key to staying strong in old age
    Source: Science Daily, 06.06.2017

    Two-part system turns stem cells into whatever you want
    Source: Science Daily, 05.06.2017

    Stem cell-based spinal cord therapy expanded to more patients
    Source: San Diego Union Tribune, 05.06.2017

    Verbesserte Generation von Minihirnen aus Wien (DE)
    Source: Der Standard, 01.06.2017

    Roger de Spoelberch Prize for Magdalena Götz (GSCN)
    Source: HelmholtzZentrum München, 01.06.2017

    How risky are stem cell trials for Parkinson’s beginning in China?
    Source: The Niche, Knoepfler lab blog, 01.06.2017

    CRTD der TU Dresden erhält 1.56 Millionen Euro BMBF-Förderung für Forschung zu degenerativen Netzhauterkrankun­gen (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: TU Dresden, 31.05.2017

    Genschere schneidet auch ungezielt im Erbgut herum (DE)
    Source: Tagesspiegel, 31.05.2017

    The Regenerative Medicine (RM) Industry’s First Xeno-free (XF) hMSC Cell Banks
    Source: BioInformant, 30.05.2017

    Dr. Kleinhaus of Pluristem Therapeutics on Immune-Advantaged Placental-Derived PLX-Cells
    Source: BioInformant, 30.05.2017

    Cigarette damage to unborn children revealed in stem cell study
    Source: Science Daily, 30.05.2017

    Texas on track to become first state to explicitly back stem cell therapies
    Source: STAT News, 30.05.2017

    Research helps pave the way for an off-the-shelf supply of cells for immunotherapy
    Source: University of Toronto, 24.05.2017

    Conservative Reps Urge Trump to Fire NIH Chief Francis Collins Over Stem Cells

    Source: NBC News, 22.05.2017

    Cardiology: Dissecting the Press Release for a Failed Stem Cell Trial

    Source:  MedPage Today, 22.05.2017

    Künstliches Blut: Forscher züchten erstmals menschliche Blutstammzellen (DE)

    Source: Spiegel Online , 18.05.2017

    Idee des Stammzellforschers wanderte nach Bayern ab, er nicht: Schöler ist und bleibt in Münster (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Westfälische Nachrichten, 18.05.2017

    Mouse study looks at safety of stem cell therapy for early menopause
    Source:  Science Daily , 18.05.2017

    Robust, high-throughput protocol for deriving microglia from human stem cells reported
    Source:  Science Daily , 18.05.2017

    Kongress für Stammzellforscher: Mini-Gehirne wachsen im Labor (GSCN) (DE)
    Source:  Westfälische Nachrichten , 17.05.2017

    Scientists Show How Defects in Blood-Brain Barrier Could Cause Neurological Disorder
    Source:  Cedars Sinai , 16.05.2017

    Patient Treatment Commences in Cynata’s World First Clinical Trial (CYP-001)
    Source: BioInformant , 16.05.2017

    Basis of 'leaky' brain blood vessels in Huntington's Disease identified
    Source: Science Daily , 16.05.2017

    Julia Ladewig: Diese Bonner Neurobiologin züchtet Mini-Gehirne (GSCN) (DE)
    Source:  Welt , 16.05.2017

    New clinical trial to evaluate efficacy of stem cell product in patients disabled with chronic stroke
    Source: News Medical, 16.05.2017

    Stem cell transplant to tackle Huntington's disease
    Source: BBC, 15.05.2017

    Stem cell transplants may advance ALS treatment by repair of blood-spinal cord barrier
    Source: Science Daily, 15.05.2017

    In a world first, Japanese team creates eggs and sperm of endangered species from iPS cells
    Source: JapanTimes, 13.05.2017

    Interview | Experimentelle Musik aus Hautzellen - "Mit 10 Jahren wollte ich David Bowie werden" (DE)

    Source: RBB Online, 12.05.2017

    Connecting brain regions in a dish - a new organoide technology to detect malfunctions in the brain
    Source: IMBA Vienna, 10.05.2017

    New Yamanaka interview gives key insights into future of IPS cells
    Nobel laureate has high hopes for donor iPS cells

    Source: Knoepfler lab stem cell blog (10.05.2017), Nikkei Asia Review (27.04.2017)

    International Stem Cell’s Trial in Parkinson’s Can Continue, Board Says
    Source: Parkinson's News Today, 10.05.2017

    Scientists unveil the UK’s largest resource of human stem cells from healthy donors (HipSci)
    Source: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, 10.05.2017

    Stem Cell Trial Data Mostly Go Unpublished
    Source: The Scientist, 05.05.2017

    Vitamin A deficiency is detrimental to blood stem cells (GSCN)
    Source: DKFZ, 05.05.2017

    California Today: Waiting on the Promise of Stem Cells
    Source: NY Times, 03.05.2017

    Amid uncertain future, state's stem cell agency loses transformational leader

    Source: San Diego Union Tribune, 03.05.2017

    Boston University scientists turn human induced pluripotent stem cells into lung cells
    Source: Eureka Alert, 02.05.2017

    Bessere Forschungsmöglichkeiten für Greifswalder Labormediziner - Vernetzung deutscher Biobanken (DE)
    Source: DZHK, 02.05.2017

    Research and Markets - Global Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESC) Market Analysis 2014-2017 & 2025
    Source: Business Insider, 01.05.2017

    Stem Cells in Culture Have Tendency to Develop Cancer-Linked Mutations
    Source: Gene News Highlights, 01.05.2017

    Gut Organoid Transplants Produce Colorectal Cancer in Mice
    Source: The Scientist, 01.05.2017

    First Dose Group in Parkinson’s Stem Cell Trial Successfully Transplanted
    Source: Parkinson's News Today, 26.04.2017

    Viel mehr als eine Genschere - Ulmer Forscherin koordiniert DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm zu CRISPR-Cas (DE)
    Source: Ulm University, 24.04.2017

    South Korea World's Second in No. of Stem Cell Clinical Trials
    Source: KBS World Radio, 24.04.2017

    China experiments human stem cells in cargo spacecraft
    Source:, 21.04.2017

    Neue regenerative Herztherapie durch im Labor gezüchtete Herzmuskelgewebe
    Source: MBM ScienceBridge, 21.04.2017

    March for Science: Revolte statt Elfenbeinturm (DE)
    Source: Wirtschaftswoche, 20.04.2017

    Ersatzorgane im Labor gezüchtet (DE)
    Source: Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 19.04.2017

    Young human blood makes old mice smarter
    Source: Nature, 19.04.2017

    Mit Genschere zum Institut (DE)
    Source:, 18.04.2017

    Evangelischer Theologe Klaus Tanner für Forschung an Embryonen (DE)
    Source:, 18.04.2017

    Kobe to open center to support people with low vision
    Source: Japan Today, 13.04.2017

    Stem Cell Clinics Are Ruining People's Lives
    Source: TONIC, 13.04.2017

    Mediziner bauen menschliche Gebärmutterschleimhaut nach (DE)
    Source: Deutschlandfunk, 11.04.2017

    "Leben ist nicht ohne Risiko" (DE):
    Die Medizinerin Elke Holinski-Feder plädiert für Forschung an Embryonen und sagt, wie weit man gehen darf, um den Elternwunsch nach einem gesunden Kind zu erfüllen.
    Source: Der Spiegel, 11.04.2017

    Human blood cells develop in a continuous process instead of a stepwise one (GSCN)
    Source: DKFZ News, 10.04.2017

    Mighty morphed brain cells cure Parkinson’s in mice, but human trials still far off
    Source: STAT News, 10.04.2017

    Salk scientists expand ability of stem cells to regrow any tissue type
    Source: Salk Institute, 06.04.2017

    First Clinic-Ready Stem Cell Repository
    Source: The Scientist, 06.04.2017

    Anthony Ho: Ein Pionier der Stammzell-Therapie (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Klinikticker, 05.04.2017

    Politologen suchen Interviewpartner zu Stammzellforschung für Forschungsprojekt (DE)
    Source: WAZ, 05.04.2017

    Ethik-Debatte um künstlich hergestellte Organoide (DE)
    Source: Der Standard, 05.04.2017

    Stem cells offer hope for autism
    On Duke stem cells for autism trial, did new CNN article hit the mark?

    Source: CNN, Knoepfler lab stem cell blog, 05.04.2017

    Machine learning predicts the look of stem cells
    Source: Nature News, 05.04.2017

    Landmark surgery a step forward for iPS, says Nobel laureate
    Source: Nikkei Asian Review, 05.04.2017

    Mini-Gehirn aus der Petrischale (GSCN) (DE)
    Organoide aus IPS-Zellen: Zellknödel funktionieren wie embryonale Mini-Gehirne
    Source: University of Bonn, 04.04.2017; Deutschlandfunk, 05.04.2017

    Novel method for generating airway cells from stem cells
    Source: Science Daily, 30.03.2017

    Genome Editing an humanen Zellen: Expertengruppe veröffentlicht Leopoldina-Diskussionspapier (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Leopoldina Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, 29.03.2017
    Discussion paper (pdf): Leopoldina (including englisch Version)
    Press response: FAZ, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 29.03.2017
    Embryonenschutz: Theologe befürwortet Gentechnik am Menschen (DE)
    Source: FAZ, 07.04.2017

    Potential of stem cell therapy to repair lung damage
    Source: Science Daily, 28.03.2017

    New stem cell method produces millions of human brain and muscle cells in days
    Source: Science Daily, 23.03.2017

    New tools to study the origin of embryonic stem cells
    Source: Science Daily, 23.03.2017

    A New Form of Stem-Cell Engineering Raises Ethical Questions
    Source: New York Times, 21.03.2017

    Novel cell culture model is aimed at avoiding animal experiments and solving reproductive problems
    Source: Leibniz Institute FBN, 21.03.2017

    Engineer aims to grow spinal tissue in lab
    Source: University of Wisconsin, 21.03.2017

    Borrowing from nature: UW-Madison scientists use plants to grow stem cells
    Source: Wisconsin State Journal, 20.03.2017

    Stem cells seem speedier in space
    Source: Phys.Org, 20.03.2017

    Vision saved by first induced pluripotent stem cell treatment
    Source: New Scientist, 15.03.2017

    Paper on 1st use of CRISPR in normal human embryos: problems remain
    Source:, 09.03.2017

    Cambridge scientists create first self-developing embryo from stem cells
    Source: The Guardian, 02.03.2017

    Regulator ready’ stem cell lines now available for clinical development
    Source: UK Gov., 27.02.2017

    Stem cell Icarus
    Source: BioEdge, 11.02.2017

    Riken-linked team set to test transplanting eye cells using iPS from donor
    Source: JapanTimes, 08.02.2017

    BMBF funding for diabetes research on pancreas chip (GSCN)
    Source: EurekAlert, 08.02.2017

    Longeveron Achieves Milestone in Groundbreaking Stem Cell Trial for Alzheimer's Disease
    Source: EurekAlert, 08.02.2017

    Human brain 'organoids' offer new insight into rare developmental disease
    Source: Science Daily, 07.02.2017

    Good stem cell news on trials, FDA, cool new papers & more
    Source: The Niche (Knoepfler lab blog), 31.01.2017

    First stem cell study could lead to development of therapy to reduce inflammation caused by CF
    Source: News Medical, 31.01.17

    Organoide: Därmchen und Hirnchen (DE)
    Source: DocCheckNews, 30.01.2017

    Reprogrammierung von Fruchtwasser-Stammzellen in Richtung Pluripotenz (GSCN)(DE)
    Source: Innovations Report, 27.01.2017

    A stem cell-based system makes the battle against a rare disease personal (GSCN)
    Source: Max Delbrueck Center, 26.01.2017

    Scientists use stem cells to create human/pig chimera embryos
    Source: EurekaAlert, 26.01.2017

    Mature heart muscle cells created in the laboratory from stem cells
    Source: EurekaAlert, 26.01.2017

    Dortmunder Wissenschaftler erforschen Gennetzwerk von Leberzellen zur Reprogrammierung von Stammzellen (DE)
    Source: WDR, 25.01.2017

    Kyoto University to halt provision of iPS cells after reagent misuse
    Source: The Japanese Times, 24.01.2017

    Revolutionary burn treatment uses stem cell spray
    Source: Click2Houston, 24.01.17

    Stammzellenforschung mit einem Denso-Roboter (DE)
    Source: Hanser Konstruktion, 24.01.17

    Researchers discover BRCA1 gene is key for blood forming stem cells
    Source: Science Daily, 24.01.17

    Elaine Fuchs wins 2017 McEwen Award for Innovation
    Source: Rockefeller University, 23.01.2017

    Tollwutviren zeigen Verschaltungen im gläsernen Gehirn (GSCN) (DE)
    Source: Universität Bonn, 19.01.2017

    Scientists initiate first ethical guidelines for organs cultivated in vitro
    Source: IMBA Vienna, 19.01.2017

    California voters were promised cures. But the state stem cell agency has funded just a trickle of clinical trials
    Source: STATNews, 19.01.2017

    Scientists reprogram embryonic stem cells to expand their potential cell fates
    Source: EurekAlert, 13.01.17

    Improving longevity of functionally integrated stem cells in regenerative vision therapy
    Source: medicalxpress, 12.01.17

    Japan, German researchers trying to save endangered rhinos using iPS cells (GSCN)
    Source: The Japanese Times, 07.01.2017

    NYSCF and Personal Genome Project announce availability of fully sequenced stem cell lines
    Source: eurekalert, 05.01.17

    Biological techniques: Stomach growth in a dish
    Source: nature, 04.01.17

    Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin Stem Cell Network North Rhine Westphalia Partner Organizations Federal Ministry of Education and Research VDI Technologiezentrum