News Archive 2015
Top 10 stem cell stories of the year 2015
Source: The Niche - Knoepfler lab stem cell blog, 29.12.2015
Stammzellen sollen Nördliches Breitmaulnashorn vor dem Aussterben retten (DE)
Source: Der Standard, 22.12.2015
Eyes turn into skin: How inflammation can change the fate of cells
Source: Eureka Alert, 21.12.2015
Transplantation of human embryonic stem cell-derived retinal tissue in two primate models of retinal degeneration
Source: PNAS, 21.12.2015
Mice Develop with Human Stem Cells
Source: The Scientist, 21.12.2015
Eileiter in der Petrischale (DE)
Source: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 20.12.2015
Deutlich effizientere Herstellung induzierter pluripotenter Stammzellen (in German)
Source: Der Standard, 14.12.2015
Überraschendes Signal steuert männliche Fruchtbarkeit (in German)
Source: Ärzte Zeitung, 8.12.2015
Stem cell cures for everything, made in Germany by TICEBA
Source: For Better Science, Leonid Schneider, 8.12.2015
Genfabrik in China: Tierklonen aus dem Katalog
Chinese gene company: Cloning animals on demand
Sources: Die Welt; Der Tagesspiegel, 6.12.2015
On Human Gene Editing: International Summit Statement
Source: The National Academies of Science . Engineering . Medicine, 03.12.2015
Coverage: Der Spiegel; FAZ Feuilleton FAZ Wissen; The Independent; Washington Post
Commentary: Süddeutsche Zeitung, 04.12.2015
related: Tagung Deutscher Ethikrat, 04.12.2015
Stammzelltherapie brachte Forschungserfolg für "Schmetterlingskinder" (in German)
Source: Tiroler Tageszeitung, 02.12.2015
Horizon 2020-Projekt "Maineuron" auch an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Nervenzellwachstum magnetisch stimulieren (in German)
Source: PresseBox, 02.12.2015
Italian scientists slam selection of stem-cell trial
Senate assigns a clinical trial EUR3 million - but researchers want an open competition
Source: Nature, 02.12.2015
NRW-Forscher ersetzen Tierversuche durch Experimente mit Stammzellen (in German)
Source: Der Westen, 01.12.2015
Retinal nerve cells grown in the lab - Cell transplants for patients blinded by glaucoma and multiple sclerosis
Source: Science Daily, 30.11.2015
Top biologists debate ban on gene-editing
Source: The Guardian, 28.11.2015
Wie Stammzellen die Pharmaforschung beschleunigen (in German)
Source: DIE WELT, Rainer Kurlemann, 27.11.2015
Stammzellforschung: Chemikalie erzwingt Weiterentwicklung
Sources: chemie-zeitschrift, 16.11.2015
Parkinson’s iPS cell trial in Japan switching to allogeneic
Sources:, 15.11.2015
Genchirurgen aus Fernost
Sources: DIE WELT, 14.11.2015
Scientists have found a way to 3D-print embryonic stem cell 'building blocks'
Sources:, 8.11.2015
Swiss Bridge Award an Andreas Trumpp und Jörg Hülsken für Erforschung von Krebsstammzellen (in German)
Sources: Krebsliga Schweiz, 3.11.2015
Biologist Michael Brand receives 2.5 Million Eur ERC Advanced Reserach Grant
Sources: TU Dresden, 30.10.2015
Stammzellen für das Ungeborene (in German)
Sources: NZZ, 2.11.2015
Regenerative Medicine: An evolving field
Sources: US Congressional Report, 31.10.2015
Factor found to balance medically useful stem cell qualities
Sources: Science Daily, 29.10.2015
Gefährliche Frischzellen-Kuren boomen auch in Deutschland (Q-Fieber)
Harmful Live Cell Therapies are booming also in Germany (Q fever)
Sources: Tagesschau (in German), 27.10.2015
Süddeutsche Zeitung (in German), 27.10.2015
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, 2.10.2015
Study: Embryonic and iPS cells are equal
Sources: The San Diego Union Tribune, 26.10.2015 and
Nature Biotech. (original publication), 26.10.2015
Stammzellforschung: Deutsche und US-amerikanische Partner bündeln ihre Kräfte (in German)
Source: Fraunhofer IME, 15.10.2015
Major grant in limbo, NIH revisits ethics of animal-human chimeras
Source: Science, 14.10.2015
First 'in womb' stem cell trial to begin
UN panel calls for moratorium on editing human genome
Source: BioEdge, 8.10.2015
Erste Niere aus Stammzellen (in German)
Lorenz Studer named 2015 MacArthur Fellow
Source:, 30.9.2015
New York Blood Center Announces New Collaboration
Source:, 28.9.2015
Der Zahn der Zukunft (in German)
Source:, 18.9.2015
Augenlicht kann wieder hergestellt werden (in German)
Source:, 21.9.2015
Hinxton Human Germline Modification Statement
Source:, 10.9.2015
Source:, 11.9.2015
Source:, 18.9.2015
Source: Deutschlandfunk, 21.9.2015 (in German)
University of Tokyo's cell-growing method slashes costs by half
Source:, 11.9.2015
Scientists map genes at work in human embryos' earliest days
Source:, 3.9.2015
Extracellular Vesicles Repair Damage in Stroke-Impaired Mice
Genauso wirksam – weniger riskant: Neue Therapie bei Schlaganfall (in German)
Sources: STEM CELLS Translational Medicine, 3.9.2015
Universität Duisburg Essen, 5.9.2015
Scientists map genes at work in human embryos' earliest days
Source:, 3.9.2015
Kleine Innereien - Miniorgane aus dem Labor (in German)
Source:, 2.9.2015
World’s largest public stem cell bank inaugurated in California
Source:, 2.9.2015
Stem-cell discovery platforms yield first clinical candidates
Source: Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 1.9.2015
ISSCR President Sean Morrison on challenges and future of stem cell field
Source:, 31.8.2015
Wir züchten uns ein Herz (in German)
Source:, 31.8.2015
Genes physically held in silencing 'lock-down' in embryonic stem cells
Source: medicalxpress, 31.8.2015
Missing piece found in liver puzzle
Source: jpost, 29.8.2015
Network of German pluripotent stem cell cores established
Source: GSCN Stem Cell Cores, 29.8.2015
European court upholds Italy law against embryo research
Source: euronews, 28.8.2015
"Kein Grund zur Angst" Interview mit Hans Schöler (in German)
Source:, 28.8.2015
Leading stem cell scientist cleared of misconduct charges
Source: PhysOrg, 28.8.2015
Editing humanity
Source: economist, 28.8.2015
China announces stem-cell rules
Source:, 26.8.2015
Researchers control embryonic stem cells with light
Source:, 26.8.2015
New Yorker Spitzenforscher kommt nach Berlin (in German)
Erwin Böttinger wechselt ans Berliner Institut für Gesundheitsforschung (BIH)
Source: BMBF, 26.8.2015
Hope for stem cell therapy in macular degeneration
Source: RegMedNet, 26.8.2015
Bayerische Millionen für Care (in German)
Source: Westfälische Nachrichten, 22.8.2015
Das Gehirn wächst, aber wo bleibt die Intelligenz? (in German)
Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 19.8.2015
Neues Föderprogramm zur Stammzellforschung - BMBF Ausschreibung
Novel funding opportunities for stem cell research - BMBF call
Source: GSCN, 19.8.2015
Scientists in Iran clone endangered mouflon
Source: The Guardian, 10.8.2015
Stammzellen aus dem Labor (in German)
Source: Westfälische Nachrichten 3.8.2015
Mutation alert halts stem-cell trial to cure blindness
Source: New Scientist, 31.7.2015
Ein Wecker für schlafende Hirnstammzellen An alarm clock for dormant brain stem cells
Sources: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (deutsch)
German Cancer Research Center (in English), 31.7.2015
The missing piece of the liver puzzle - creating functional liver cells from stem cells
Source: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 30.7.2015
Human iPSC Used To Treat Kidney Injury In Mice
Source: AsianScientist, 29.7.2015
Portrait Andreas Trumpp: Den Krebs an der Wurzel packen
Source: Helmholtz Gemeinschaft, 22.7.2015
Researchers develop method for growing billions of stem cells
Source: United Press International, 22.7.2015
Stem cell therapy shows promise in small clinical trial for rare lung disease
Source: Science Daily, 20.7.2015
Injektion von Knochenmarks-Stammzellen hemmt neuropathische Schmerzen bei Mäusen (in German)
Source: scinexx, 15.7.2015
Scientists create mini liver segments for drug discovery
Source: sanger-institute, 15.7.2015
Blood Stem Cells in a Rush – velocity determines quality (GSCN)
Blutstammzellen in Eile – das Tempo bestimmt die Qualität (GSCN) (DE)
Source: Science Daily (EN) idw Online (DE), 10.7.2015
Gene politics: US lawmakers are asserting their place in the human genetic-modification debate
Source: nature, 7.7.2015
Landmark IPSC clinical study on hold due to genomic issue
Source:, 7.7.2015
Mit Stammzellen gegen Osteoporose (in German)
Source: tagesspiegel, 7.7.2015
Weltgrösste Stammzellenbank wird für 700 Millionen Dollar verkauft (in German)
Source:, 26.6.2015
E.U. science chief wants to work ERC magic on innovation
Source: scienceInsider, 26.6.2015
Artificial trachea researcher responds to misconduct report
Source: scienceInsider, 26.6.2015
Researchers Grow Neurons in 3D
Source: uni-luxemburg, 26.6.2015
Mini-Gehirne aus dem Bioreaktor (in German)
Source: deutschlandfunk, 24.6.2015
Protein Plays Unexpected Role in Embryonic Stem Cells
Source: dddmag, 23.6.2015
Stem cell therapy for stroke shows need for rigorous trials in US
Source: Medical Xpress, 22.6.2015
Stemedica teams up with UCSD doc?
Source: ipscell, 19.6.2015
Ontario Invests $25 Million in Stem Cell Research
Source: Southwesthealthline, 19.6.2015
Bioengineering. Towards a body-on-a-chip
Source: Economist, 13.6.2015
California company buys facility for stem cell manufacturing
Source: FiecePharmaMan., 10.6.2015
EU-Kommission lehnt Verbot von Tierversuchen ab (in German)
Source: Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 5.6.2015
Copyshopping: Ein Besuch in der Hunde-Klonfabrik
Source: profil, 4.6.2015
CRISPR, the disruptor
Source: nature, 3.6.2015
Azrieli Foundation gives HU $10 million for stem-cell research on genetic diseases
Source: Jerusalem Post, 3.6.2015
Gen steuert Stammzellen während Muskelregeneration
Source: MPG, 1.6.2015
Research solves mystery of memory and mood
Source:, 1.6.2015
White House supports moratorium on human genetic modification
Source: ipscell, 1.6.2015
Stammzellschalter auf Wanderschaft (in German)
Source: Uni Freiburg, 29.5.2015
Forscher erhalten grünes Licht (in German)
Ärztezeitung, 28.5.2015
Der riskante Boom privater Stammzelltherapien (in German)
Die Welt, 22.5.2015
Pluristem’s PLX Cells closer to Entering Japan’s Accelerated Pathway for Regenerative Medicine
Pluristem, 22.5.2015
Report finds trachea surgeon committed misconduct
ScienceInside, 21.5.2015
Discussion about genetic modifications of the human germ line
GSCN statement concerning the genetic modification of the human germ line
Source: washingtonpost, 18.5.2015
Source: nature, 18.5.2015
Source:, 18.5.2015
Source: The Economist, 2.5.2015
Source: Scientist, 30.4.2015
Source: nature, 29.4.2015
Source: fazblog, 23.4.2015
Source: springer, 24.4.2015
Source: npr, 24.4.2015
Source: time, 23.4.2015
Source: ipscell, 23.4.2015
Master orchestrator of the genome is discovered, stem cell scientists report
Science Daily, 8.5.2015
16 Nobelpreisträger reagieren mit offenem Brief „Ohne Tierexperimente geht es nicht“
Source:, 6.5.2015
New clues into how stem cells get their identity
Science Daily, 6.5.2015
First Successful 3D Printed Trachea
Source:, 5.5.2015
Researchers identify 'bridge' state necessary for cellular reprogramming
Neue Hoffnung aus dem Mutterschoß (in German)
Die Welt, 4.5.2015
Eye Stem Cell Therapy Moves Ahead
Source: The Scientist, 30.4.2015
Scientists find way to monitor progress of stem cells after transplantation into brain
Source: Stanford Medicine, 30.4.2015
Klonen für Fortgeschrittene
Deutschlandfunk, 24.4.2015
Takeda, CiRA Launch $268.5M iPS Collaboration
Source: GEN, 23.4.2015
Sale of Madison company could be a big step for stem cell research
Source: Journal Sentinel, 20.4.2015
The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) has launched an expanded “Closer Look at Stem Cells” website
Source: businesswire, 20.4.2015
Athersys stroke treatment fails study, shares slide
Source: reuters, 17.4.2015
ReNeuron stem cell therapy shows long-term promise for stroke
Source: reuters, 17.4.2015
Glaucoma Visual Fields Improve Following Stem Cell Treatment
Press release MD Stem Cells, 12.4.2015
Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde: Telomerase in Stammzellen (in German)
Source: FLI - Leibniz Institute für Altersforschung, 10.4.2015
Source:, 2.4.2015
Patient's own skin cells may hold key to new treatments for neurological diseases
Source:, 31.3.2015
Japan's Fujifilm agrees to buy Cellular Dynamics for $307 million
Sources:, 30.3.2015;, 31.3.2015
MDC Researchers Greatly Increase Precision of New Genome Editing Tool
Source: MDC, Berlin, 25.3.2015
Team finds key to making neurons from stem cells
Source: Medical Xpress, 19.3.2015
Stem cell disease model clarifies bone cancer trigger
Source: Science Daily, 9.4.2015
International Stem Cell Corporation Demonstrates Reversal of Neurological Stroke Symptoms Using Neural Stem Cells
Source: International Stem Cell Coop. (ISCO), 7.4.2015
Mitochondria are altered in human cell model of Parkinson's disease
Source: Medical Xpress, 7.4.2015
Commercialized cell therapies goal of regenerative medicine alliance
Source: LabCanada, 20.3.2015
Japan makes strides toward stem cell therapy
Source: Nikkei Asian Review, 19.3.2015
Scientists grow 'mini-lungs' to aid the study of cystic fibrosis
Source: Medical Xpress, 19.3.2015
The ISSCR Statement on Human Germline Genome Modification
Source: ISSCR, 19.3.2015
A prudent path forward for genomic engineering and germline gene modification
Source: Science Magazine, 19.3.2015
Scientists Seek Ban on Method of Editing the Human Genome
Source: NYT, 19.3.2015
Keimbahn-Experimente: Kommt das bioethische Armageddon?
Source:, 20.3.2015
Engineering the Perfect Baby
Source: MIT Technology Review, 5.3.2015
Hans Schöler neu im Vorstand der ‚International
Society for Stem Cell Research’ (ISSCR)
Source: ISSCR, 11.3.2015
Mini-Herz schlägt auf Siliziumchip (in German)
Source: Spiegel Online, 10.3.2015
New stem cell advance
Source: Harvard-Gazette, 6.3.2015
Behind the scenes of the world's first commercial stem cell therapy
Source: nature, 6.3.2015
Lung cancer stem cell therapy to be trialled in UK
Source: The Guardian, 6.3.2015
MHH researcher derive blood from pluripotent stem cells (DE)
Hannover Medical School, 16.2.2015
Stammzellen im Gehirn sind kein ewiger Jungbrunnen
Source: Helmholtz München, 6.3.2015
Scaffold-free iPS cell-based hyaline cartilage for joint repair
Source: Science Daily, 26.2.2015
Kyoto University Hospital to open iPS cell therapy center in 2019
Source: Japan Times, 24.2.2015
Study psychiatric diseases with stem cells
Source: PhsyOrg, 20.2.2015
Yale researchers find surprising trigger of new brain cell growth
YaleNews, 20.2.2015
ReNeuron phase 2 stem cell trials still on track
Source: proactiveinvestors UK, 20.2.2015
Europe approves Western world's first stem-cell therapy for rare eye condition
Source: Reuters, 20.2.2015
RIKEN announces penalties related to stem cell fiasco
Science News 11.2.2015
What pushes scientists to lie? The disturbing but familiar story of Haruko Obokata
Source: The Guardian 18.2.2015
Blood vessel cells improve the conversion of pluripotent stem cells to blood lineages
EurekaAlert, 12.2.2015
Journal publishes 200-word papers
Researchers are buzzing about a publication that accepts only 'brief ideas'.
Nature, 12.2.2015
Stem cells reduce MS brain damage
Neurology 12.2.2015
UT-San Diego, 12.2.2015
Pancreas in a capsule
MIT Technology Review, 12.2.2015
Stem cell pioneer joins forces with stem cell fraudster
Source: Science Magazine, 10.2.2015
Can Stem Cells Be Taught to Repair a Radiation-Damaged Brain?
Source: MSKCC, 6.2.2015
California's stem cell program (CIRM) is getting a reboot
Source: LA Times, 3.1.2015
Stem cells in breast milk (in German)
Vielversprechende Stammzellen in Muttermilch
VDI Nachrichten, 30.1.2015
Cancer- what is the role of chance? (in German)
Tagesspiegel, 15.1.2015
Regenerating Organs: Mending of the Heart (in German)
Nachwachsende Organe: Ein Herz lässt sich reparieren
Source: Tagesspiegel, 7.1.2015