General Meeting

    General Meeting

    8th GSCN General Meeting 2020/ Online

    7th GSCN General Meeting 2019/ Berlin
    GSCN members can find the protocol and power point presentation of the 7th General Meeting in the Membership Documents on GSCN Humhub (Member Login required).

    6th GSCN General Meeting 2018 / Heidelberg
    GSCN members can find the protocol and power point presentation of the 6th General Meeting in the Membership Documents on GSCN Humhub (Member Login required).

    5th GSCN General Meeting 2017

    The 5th GSCN General Meeting on 11 September 2017 in Jena was attended by 80 members (participation 21 %). During the meeting the results of the online board elections were announced. In the online board elections (1 August – 28 August, 2017) 25% of the members (95/380) were participating. The GSCN is happy to welcome Hartmut Geiger (University Ulm) as new Designated President (Incoming President 2018) in the  Executive Board and Thomas Braun (Active President 2015), and Cornelia Kasper (BoKu Vienna) as well as reelected members Michael Rieger, Ingo Roeder, and Claudia Waskow in the  Extended board.

    GSCN members can find the protocol and power point presentation of the 5th General Meeting in the Membership Documents on GSCN Humhub (Member Login required).

    4th GSCN General Meeting 2016

    The 4th GSCN General Meeting on 12 September 2016 in Hannover was attended by 91 members (participation 24%). During the meeting the results of the online board elections were announced. In the online board elections (2 August – 31 August, 2016) 30% of the members (113/376) were participating. The GSCN is happy to welcome Ana Martin-Villalba (DKFZ Heidelberg) as new Designated President (Incoming President 2017) in the  Executive Board and Frank Edenhofer (Uni. Insbruck/Uni. Würzburg) as well as reelected member Micha Drukker in the  Extended board.

    GSCN members can find the protocol and power point presentation of the 4th General Meeting in the Membership Documents on GSCN Humhub (Member Login required).

    3rd GSCN General Meeting

    The 3rd GSCN General Meeting on 10 September 2015 in Frankfurt was attended by 88 members (voter participation 25%). During the meeting the results of the online board elections were announced. In the online board elections (29 July – 26 August, 2015) 27.5% of the members (94/342) were participating. The GSCN is happy to welcome Karl Lenhard Rudolph (Leibniz Institue for Age Research/FLI, Jena) as new Designated President (Incoming President 2016) and Frank Emmrich as reelected Assesor in the  Executive Board and Andreas Trumpp (Active President 2014) and Wolfgang Wagner (RWTH Aachen) as well as reelected members Tobias Cantz, Magdalena Götz, Ira Herrmann, Hans Schöler and Mathias Treier in the  Extended board.

    GSCN members can find the protocol and power point presentation of the 3rd General Meeting in the Membership Documents on GSCN Humhub (Member Login required).

    2nd GSCN General Meeting

    The 2nd GSCN Members Convention on November 3rd, 2014 in Heidelberg was attended by 97 members (voter participation 27.6%). During the meeting the results of the online board elections were announced. In the online board elections (22 September - 20 October 2014) 21% of the members (73/349) were participating. The GSCN is happy to welcome Ulrich Martin (Hannover Medical School, MHH) as new Designated President (Incoming President 2016) in the  Executive Board and Oliver Brüstle (Founding President), Hartmut Geiger (University of Ulm), Ingo Roeder (TU Dresden), Michael Rieger (Goethe University, Frankfurt) and Claudia Waskow (TU Dresden) in the  Extended board.

    GSCN members can find the protocol and power point presentation of the 2nd General Meeting in the Membership Documents on GSCN Humhub (Member Login required).

    1st GSCN Members Convention

    The 1st GSCN Members Convention on November 12th, 2013 in Berlin was attended by 150 members (voter participation 55%). During the 1st GSCN Members Convention the results of the online board elections were announced. In the online board elections (October 1 – 29, 2013) 43% of the members were participating. The GSCN is happy to welcome Thomas Braun (Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim) as new Designated President (Incoming President 2015) and Michael Cross (University of Leipzig) as new Treasurer in the  Executive Board and Micha Drukker (Helmholtz Zentrum München), Ana Martin-Villalba (German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg) and Albrecht Müller (University of Wuerzburg) in the  Extended board. Daniel Besser resigned from the position as Treasurer in order to fill the position as Provisional Managing Director of the GSCN central office.

    GSCN members can find the protocol and power point presentation of the 1st General Meeting in the Membership Documents on GSCN Humhub (Member Login required).

    Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine Berlin Stem Cell Network North Rhine Westphalia Partner Organizations Federal Ministry of Education and Research VDI Technologiezentrum